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Ödüller, Projeler ve Burslar

Awards, Grants and Fellowships

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Best Original Film Music Award (2019)

30th Ankara International Film Festival

The Nadia and Nicholas Nahumck Fellowship Prize (2010)

Society for Ethnomusicology

The Most Successful Academic Staff of the Year (2019-2020)

İİSBF, Altınbaş Üniversitesi

Special Enhanced MacCracken Scholarship Award, 2007-12

New York University

Global Research Initiatives NYU doctoral dissertation workshop at NYU Berlin

GRI, New York University

The Most Successful Academic Staff of the Year (2021-2022)

GSF, Altınbaş Üniversitesi

SSRC Dissertation Proposal
Development Fellowship (DPDF)

Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

The Most Successful Academic Staff of the Year (2018-2019)

İİSBF, Altınbaş Üniversitesi

GSAS Mainzer Summer Fellowship

GSAS, New York University

Creative Collaboration Support Grant

Coordinating Council for Music at New York University
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