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Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

Empires of Vision Workshop led by Martin Jay

The Social Science Research Council has awarded you a Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) for summer 2009. This fellowship enables you to participate in the two dissertation proposal development workshops in May and September 2009 in the Empires of Vision research field, led by Professors Martin Jay and Sumathi Ramaswamy.

As a DPDF fellow you are required to participate in both workshops. The spring workshop is scheduled for May 28 – 31, 2009 in New Orleans, LA; the fall workshop is scheduled for September 10 – 13 in Philadelphia, PA. You will receive workshop materials in advance of these meetings, and the DPDF Program will cover the costs of travel, accommodations and meals.

Prize: $5,000

The workshop resulted in an edited book titled "Empires of Vision: A Reader" by Martin Jay and Sumathi Ramaswamy:

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